Free Bonuses You Get with Your Membership!

Ann Adams
Ann Adams, LCSW
Director of the former EFT Masters Program
In the Pursuit of Excellence
Jaqui Crooks
Jaqui Crooks, EFT Master
Working with Memories from the Womb
Sophia Cayer
Sophia Cayer, EFT Master
Personal Peace Foundation
Help for Veterans and their families dealing with PTSD
Loretta Sparks
Loratta Sparks, EFT Master
A Sparks Tip For Stress Resolution
Emma Roberts
Emma Roberts, EFT Master
Integrating Energy Techniques including NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis and the work of Bruce Lipton
Tania Prince
Tania Prince , EFT Master
Deep State Repatterning
Tam Llewellyn
Tam Llewellyn, EFT Master
A Meditiation Manual for Energy Therapists
There is no ‘right way’ to meditate. It is a very personal act and we are each free and able to meditate in a way which suits us. You will be introduced to different modes and methods of meditation. Your ‘Meditation’ is yours.
Maya deVries
Maya de Vries, EFT-Master
7 Step Pre-Tapping Checklist for Client Work
Joe Oliver
Joe Oliver
Improving your Golf Game
Kiya Immergluck
Dr. Kiya L. Immergluck, LCPC
T.A.P. Transcending All Problems
Ava Stoecker
Ava Stoecker
Client Case Study – benefits of committed series of sessions and tapping between sessions
Lynn Robinson
Lynn Robinson
Eleanore Duyndam talks with Lynn Robinson about her work in South Africa & Mozambique where Lynn has been Teaching Meridian Tapping Techniques to caregivers working with those affected by HIV.
Karin Davidson
Karin Davidson, AMTT-Adv Practitioner, EFT Trainer, Matrix Reimprinting Trainer
Tap Along for I’m Too Old (to change jobs/careers/start something new)
You’re NEVER too old! But our many of our family and friends and even ourselves don’t really believe that. Time to TAP IT AWAY and become whatever you want!
Natalie Hill
Natalie Hill
Success Coach
Grant and Julie Horsfall
Grant and Julie Horsfall
Tapping in Intimate Relationships
Linda Wood and Karin Davidson
Linda Wood and Karin Davidson
Interview on EFT and Past Lives
Julie Horsfall
Julie Horsfall
Tapping after Stillbirth
Grant Horsfall
Grant Horsfall
A Metaphor for Tapping
Zoe Rabinowitz
Zoe Rabinowitz
Case study – Claustrophobia, fear of getting into elevators.
Till Schilling
Till Schilling
Chapter 1 of the “Guide to TappyBear”
Pamela Bruner
Pamela Bruner, Success Coach
Tapping and Business – specifically for tapping practitioners and
other solo entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses, make more money, and help more people.
Eleanore Duyndam
Eleanore Duyndam, Meridian Tapping Practitioner & Host of MTT Radio
How I Used Meridian Tapping to Improve my Eyesight
Stefan Gonick
Stefan Gonick
Finding the Love You Want using MTT
MTT Session for the belief that “love couldn’t last” if the client met a great man.