A Basic Version of Tapping
What does MTT mean?
MTT is an abbreviation for “Meridian Tapping Techniques.” Notice that the official name has an “S” at the end, it is plural. This means that there are a variety of “techniques” and innovations that use meridian points as a basic standard that we’ll discuss here. For a more in depth explanation, please download our free manual HERE. MTT derives from a variety of techniques that involve tapping on acupressure points along the meridians.
You can use two fingers to touch and tap on these points yourself, or someone can tap on the points for you. Most, but not all, Meridian Tapping Techniques also involve saying certain phrases that help you focus on the issue that you are working on and tapping for. A MTT Professional can help you learn the correct tapping points as well as guide you through a tapping sequence (or ’round’ as they are commonly called) and assist you in saying phrases that will be of most benefit.
How does it work and what does it do?
MTT is based on the assumption that negative emotions disrupt the flow in the body’s energy system. When energy patterns are disrupted due to physical, mental or emotional trauma, it is believed that the path of energy between neurons can be disrupted. Practitioners that utilize Meridian Tapping Techniques have found that when people release negative emotions, it may help the energy flow again. Many people often experience other positive results as well including:
- Reduce or eliminate chronic pain (including back pain)
- Reduce or eliminate migraines
- Reduce or eliminate Fybromyalgia
- Reduce or eliminate stress
- Reduce or eliminate insomnia
- Reduce or eliminate anxiety and panic attacks
- Reduce or eliminate fears and phobias (claustrophobia, agoraphobia, social phobia, fear of heights, fear of flying, fear of public speaking, fear of the dark)
- Increase the rate of healing injuries
- Increase flexibility and range of motion
- Improve weight loss
- Improve concentration and focus
- Improve eye sight
- Improve overall health and well-being
- And more…
MTT is sometimes described as “acupuncture without needles.” This is because Meridian Tapping Techniques uses specific points on your body that are known as “acupressure” points; they are the same points used in acupuncture. But with MTT, simply tapping on these points, using your own fingers, can stimulate your body’s energy system and release negative energy. George Goodheart, a chiropractor, found he could substitute simple manual pressure for needles. He saw the same beneficial results by simply applying manual pressure, instead of needles, to the acupuncture points.
So what?
Good question. By releasing negative energy, you allow the positive energy in your body to do what it is supposed to do. Your neurons are free to connect in a healthful way and build positive associations. The effects are often felt immediately.
Why haven’t I heard of this technique before?
Great question! Actually the concepts behind these techniques, while put together in effective, creative ways, was derived from a variety of professions over a period of years. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and accepted by western medicine since the 70’s. The concept of tapping on acupressure points to affect change in the body was first developed in the 60’s by a chiropractor.
We believe that the world is ready for change, and if you’re reading this, you are probably ready to try something new and different.
It sounds too easy
Yes, it does. And although it takes a few minutes to learn the tapping points and get an idea of what to say while you’re tapping, it is very easy.
You mentioned that I have to say “words or phrases” while I tap?
I’m glad you brought that up. You actually don’t ‘have to’ say anything. MTT can work with no words at all. Just pick the issue you want to work with and tap while focusing on it. However, saying certain types of phrases out loud helps your body focus on the issue you are experiencing so it is released more quickly and thoroughly. (If you still want to use words and are having trouble, you can go to the free site at www.TappingWords.com and it will provide wording for you.)
So I tap and say stuff and my pain will go away? This sounds a little far-fetched and too good to be true.
It is wise to be skeptical, yet in this case you might want to read on. Although many times a problem can be relieved or eliminated within minutes, there are no guarantees. But why not try it? The history of MTT shows about an 80% success rate, Try it on something that’s bothering you and see for your self. And by the way, it’s not just for pain, it can help emotional trauma, ease the grieving process, melt away stress; it can even help you with your cravings like smoking, chocolate, ice cream, chips, sodas, etc.
How do I try it? Choose a Problem
Pick something, anything. Let’s take something very common for example: “This splitting headache on the right side of my head.” The reason for not just saying “headache” is because these methods are most effective when you are as specific as possible. So we describe the headache as “splitting headache on the right side of my head.”
If you don’t have a headache (and I hope you don’t) just replace the word “Headache,” or phrase, “Headache on the right side of my head” for whatever word or phrase fits what you’d like to try it on.
Describe the problem
Next, describe the problem. You can either think of some things that describe the problem, or better yet, actually write down some descriptive adjectives.
For example, in the case of a headache:
Won’t Go Away
Feels like an elephant on my head
Every day pain
Rate it
Before we start, you need to rate your headache on a scale of 0-10, with 0 being a very slight headache and 10 being the worst migraine of your life. What’s your rating? Write the number down so you remember it.
Let’s start:
We’ll go through a series of 10 tapping points in a particular order, however you do not need to follow the same order, and if you forget some tapping points that’s OK too. The more tapping points you tap on, the better chance it will work for you, but sometimes MTT works when tapping on just one or a few points.
1. Karate Chop
With two or three fingers on one hand, tap on the “karate chop” point, the little finger side, of the other hand. Tap seven times, or more, while repeating the following phrase three times:
“Even though I have this splitting headache on the right side of my head, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Repeat this phase two more times.
(Remember, you can replace the phrase “splitting headache on the right side of my head” with whatever problem you’d like to work on.) Example: this dull pain in my left knee, arm, neck, etc.

2. Eyebrow
Use one or two fingers to tap on the spot where one of your eyebrows starts next to your nose. Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“This painful headache on the right side of my head.”
(You can replace the word “painful” for an adjective from your list.)

3. Side of Eye
Use one or two fingers to tap just outside of your eye (not on your temple, and not on the rim of the bone.) Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“This aching headache on the right side of my head.”
(You can replace the word “aching” for an adjective from your list.)

4. Under Eye
Use one or two fingers to tap just under your eye. Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“This headache on the right side of my head won’t go away.”

5. Under Nose
Use one or two fingers to tap just under your nose, right in the little groove. Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“I don’t know why this headache on the right side of my head won’t go away.”

6. Chin
Use one or two fingers to tap on your chin, not on the bone of your chin, but right in the little groove between your lips and chin. Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“I still have this headache on the right side of my head.”

7. Collarbone
Use two to four fingers to tap on the “collarbone” spot which is located not directly on the collar bone, but about an inch below and about an inch from the middle. Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“This headache on the right side of my head feels like an elephant on my head.”

8. Under Arm
Use two to four fingers to tap on the “under arm” spot which is located at the side of your body, about four inches below your arm pit. For women, it is about where your bra strap lies. Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“I feel a tightness headache on the right side of my head.”

9. Wrist
You can use two to four fingers to tap on your wrist, but many people prefer to actually tap your wrists together. Tap them together 3 finger widths from the crease of the wrist. Tap about seven or more times while saying the following phrase:
“This headache on the right side of my head.”

10. Top of Head
Use all of your fingers to tap on the crown of your head between your ears about seven times or more while saying the following phrase:
“This headache on the right side of my head.”

Now, take a deep breath and relax.
Rate your headache on a scale of 0-10.
Did your rating change from your initial rating? Whether it did or not, repeat steps 1- 10 until your rating is a 0. Each time you go through the steps 0-10 it is called a ’round.’ Some MTT Professionals use a different order, or use different tapping points, or do other variations.
You will notice that we used the descriptive adjectives while we were tapping. There is no particular order in doing so. Just use adjectives that make sense to you about your particular problem.
Having trouble with the words? Not sure what to say? Words are not always necessary. Try just focusing on the issue and where you feel it in your body while you tap. This often works just as well.
- Some times people experience complete relief from their problem after just one round, although this is not to be expected.
- It is not uncommon for your rating to some times go up after the first or subsequent rounds. This is OK, it means that your energy system is being stimulated. You may want to replace some of the phrases above with phrases that describe how the problem makes you feel. For example: “Even though this headache makes me feel frustrated, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Another phrase may be: “This headache makes me feel like I have no energy.”
- Some times people experience some or complete relief with their initial problem, but a new problem (pain in the shoulder) appears. We suggest you continue to tap on the initial problem until you rate it a “0” and then tap on the new problem in the same manner. If your original pain goes to 0 but a new pain takes its place tap for the new pain. It will go away completely when you address the core problem.
- Keep in mind that the core problem may not be physical. Your headache may derive from anger toward another or because you are stressed about work, or you are upset with a loved one, etc. If these feelings come up while tapping, you may want to try tapping on “Even though I have this anger toward “so and so,” I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
- Many people experience some relief within one to three rounds of tapping, some need more rounds to follow the new issues coming up. If you do not experience any relief, we suggest that you schedule a session with a MTT Professional to help you learn these skills.
MTT can be easily learned and used by the entire family!
MUCH THANKS to Brandy Oliver of www.MTTProNetwork.com with some additions from other professionals. Please visit MTTProNetwork.com to find additional information on many MTT subjects from members of the MTT Professional Network.